Monday, May 10, 2010

This game isn't fair

A fellow trader told me he suspects there was no computer error on Thursday - it was just Wall Street as usual playing their games. They play the music, and when it stops we scramble for the chairs, but we don't get told in advance when the music will stop. I had sold out of my LVS longs which I would have loved to have back to sell at this mornings gap up, and I am now holding some LVS puts which are ridicuously worthless unless I have the courage to hold them until the next "Black Swan" event probably coming in a few days - hey OPEX is coming up! In any case, I can complain all I want - I am choosing to swim in this wave pool -- so it is my fault for trading emotionally, hence no more non-Stewie trades for 90 days. Technically this is day 2 so about 88 more days.

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