Thursday, January 15, 2009

AAPL - will it lead us lower?

I am still in study mode, but this Steve Jobs news is disconcerting. The thing about cancer is that while it can be in remission, once it comes back, health can deteriorate really quickly. Tonight there are articles that the rest of Steve Jobs' pancreas may need to be removed. That doesn't sound good. While the "skinny Steve" trade has been around for a while especially to those who follow trading sites, tommorow's morning paper may cause a lot of regular people to sell their AAPL in a panic. In the after hours today, AAPL was in the 70's, busting through the previous support level of about 80 to 85. Then again, the more I learn about the stock market, the less I try to predict us, hence the question mark in the title of this post. Time to get to bed so I can get up early to see the open.

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